Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Red Roost Inn report from last two nights

Monday: One red-tailed hawk seen roosting at the Red Roost Inn. ID undetermined but Violet was suspected.Tuesday: Both Bobby and Violet seen flying into and perching at the Red Roost Inn. The flights into the roost were two minutes apart. They were sitting facing each other at one point.Thank you, JumpFlapper for these reports! How exciting for you to see them both enter the roost tonight!Update: I received a new report from Jump letting me know Violet flew off the roost at 4:45 to some unknown location (it was so dark outside).My plans for this evening changed so I was able to come down to the roost to take a few photos at 6:00. Unfortunately, I did not have my zoom lens with me so please forgive these low-quality pictures.The good news is, Violet returned to the roost some time between 4:45-6:00 because she was there when I got there.

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