Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Brief interlude with Rosie – January 2, 2012

I stopped by Washington Square Park for twenty minutes between doing much-needed and overdue chores. Luckily, as a hawk-watcher had just informed me, Rosie was on her way to the side of the park I was entering. She landed in a tree not far from me:

She soared around a bit then went to the nest for several minutes.

She took off and went north out of the park and in the direction of Union Square Park.

She hovered on the breezes during her slow return toward the park.

She disappeared again. I waited around for a while but she was still missing in action by the time I had to get back to my chores. It was great to see her and my hawk-watching friends, albeit briefly.

Peregrine swooping by:

One of the hawk-watchers contacted me later to report that Rosie returned after I left and sat on a corner of One Fifth Avenue and on the Bobst Library roof for a little while. A peregrine dive-bombed her for a spell while she was perched on the library and while she was soaring.

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