Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Rosie seen perched at the roost on January 5th, 2012

JumpFlapper was kind enough to share the exciting news that Rosie perched at the roost for about a minute yesterday evening. She and another hawk-watcher were there to witness the event.Rosie entered and left her perch rather quickly. She stayed only a minute at the most. Bobby too was at the roost but on a different rung. He stayed for the evening.It’s not known where she settled in for the night. We don’t know if it was her first time at the roost but at least we now have confirmation from the ground that she knows where it is and that she probably knows that that’s where Bobby spends many of his evenings. It will be a great night when we see them roosting together for a full evening.

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