Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Tested patience and pigeon leftovers – March 20th, 2012

Shortly after emerging from the subway, I saw Bobby perched nearly three blocks east from the park. He was on the highest point on the east so he had a great view of the park and surrounding area.

Snap of the nest at Bobst Library:

A kestrel harassed him for a little while:


He dropped to a lower perch and out of sight without warning after I had waited an hour to see what his next move would be. It was a bit of a patience and endurance challenge for me to stand and watch and wait an hour to see if the dark spot in the distance would move. But it’s always a fun time being by the hawks so it became more of a game than a trial.

Thankfully, he wasn’t gone for long and perched closer to the park:

He then flew to the nest:

Rosie left the nest and went to the arch for pigeon leftovers from the day before:

She took the meal to the top of a building near the Red Roost Inn:

She moved too quickly for me to get into place to take a photo of her on the building. She swooped into the park then to the Judson Memorial Church cross:

She returned to the nest.

Bobby then left the nest and flew to the arch for leftovers as well:

The top of the arch seems to be a tricky perch for the hawks. Bobby had a little trouble with his balance at one point:

He flew to the same building top Rosie had brought the bulk of the leftovers to:

I was luckier this time around and was able to get a photo of him on the building top:

He then swooped behind the buildings to the west, went south, and then flew out of sight. I did not get to see where he went so I went home.

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