Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Rosie’s evening squirrel catch – April 16th, 2012

Rosie caught a squirrel on the sidewalk lining the park early this evening. It was pretty exciting how it happened. She was hunting from the trees of the section of the park still undergoing renovation. She saw a squirrel just outside the park so she flew straight for it, snatched it, then flew it back to the safety of the park trees.Rosie made a woman who was innocently walking down the sidewalk scream bloody murder when she descended to the sidewalk (out of the blue) and grabbed the squirrel right in front of her. It was pretty funny. The young lady laughed hysterically while she recovered from the shock of the sight.Rosie then hopscotched on various perches with her squirrel catch before returning with it to the nest.

My visit started with the sight of a hawk on the Judson Memorial Church cross:

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Rosie’s happy splashy bath – April 13th, 2012

I took many photos of Rosie and Bobby hawk while in Washington Square Park today but couldn’t resist posting this one photo now.

Rosie revisited a large piece of construction material at the fenced in area of the park.That section is still undergoing renovation.It was the same piece of material she jumped into two days before. She made a splash then too. When I saw her in it the first time I thought maybe she was diving after prey.

But now it seems she likes to hop inside it to take a bath. The floor of the piece must be solid in order to retain so much rain water. In the photo above Rosie is enjoying splashing about in the water. I was photographing her from in front of a chain link fence which is why some of her is out of focus.