Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Both fledglings, both parents this first full post-fledge day – May 29th, 2012

It was good to see the whole family together today after work. I had seen Bobby and the Silver Center fledgling earlier in the morning. Photos at this link: Morning visit.

Rosie in a tree at the north eastern side of the park:

Silver Center fledgling doing some familiar jump-flapping:

It was excruciatingly hot and muggy today and the hawks’ panting revealed their discomfort:

Rosie carried a mouse or rat to the other fledgling on a nearby building (Pless) top:

Silver Center fledgling:

Rosie and the other fledgling nearby:

Rosie ventured further back on the building top. The baby stayed near the edge of the roof for a while:

The sun was still intense for both fledglings:

Rosie on the left, fledgling on the right:

Pigeons below the water tower seemingly too scared to move:

Rosie preening:


Rosie took off, flew through the park, then landed on a traffic light just outside the park:

Perched pigeons stiffly watching Rosie fly by:

Landing on Judson Church:

I didn’t want to miss if the fledgling I was just with moved so I walked back to it. I saw Rosie in the distance as she flew to the western side of the park and into the trees.

It had a fine time exploring other places to perch on the building:


It had begun to cool down as the sun was setting so the youngster got more energetic with its jump-flapping, walking, and flying.

Still discovering its flying form:

Bobby flew overhead and circled back over the park (I just missed photographing him nip a pigeon while chasing it):

Bobby joined Rosie at the western side of the park.

Fledgling exploring more and finding its balance and skills:

Bobby then flew to the top of Silver Center, looking over the fledgling beneath him:

Bobby flew over the park and landed on a terrace at Two Fifth Avenue.

The fledgling watched him fly and gave chase, flying high and fast above the park:


Bobby returning to the park trees:


The fledgling who followed Bobby then landed high up in a tree top.

Bobby watching it:

Try as I might, I just couldn’t see the baby in the tree. I saw its movement as it balanced (its wings flapping as it righted itself) but I just couldn’t see it as it sat.

I returned to the other fledgling on Pless:


*9:14AM update – After I left the park a couple of friends let me know that one of the fledglings tried to land on a window sill at Two Fifth Avenue but there was no sill so it dropped down into a fenced off construction area. It wasn’t injured and was seen perching and moving about without effort in the area.

It stayed there overnight and was seen by a friend this morning. It still seemed well. My friend told two site workers about the fledgling and they said they’d look out for it. Hopefully it will find its way out on its own shortly. I’ll keep you posted if I hear more.

*10:32AM update – The fledgling that landed in a construction area is now free and jump-flapping on a second floor terrace at Two Fifth Avenue.

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