Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Rehabbers are aware of the bag around the hawk’s leg

Hi. As you have probably heard and seen via the nest cam, one of the hawk babies has a plastic bag twisted around its leg. I wanted to let you know that I heard through the grapevine (and upon good authority) that local birder organizations and rehabbers are aware of the situation and that rehabbers have been given permission to help remove the bag from the leg. I don’t know the timing of when this will occur but I’m trusting it will be within a few days or less.

In the meantime, personally, I cannot watch the cam. It is too heart-wrenching for me to see the bird hampered like this. It brings up too many bad and angry memories over the Violet situation.

The good side of this is that the hawks are faring well despite this bit of trouble and that plans are in place to assist.

Bobby’s night flights – May 3rd, 2012

First, an apology that I have only two photos to share in this post. It turns out the protective filter I used on my lens today was woefully inadequate (it was a brand new purchase) and the quality of my photos was subpar. It’s a real shame too because I saw and photographed the Washington Square Park hawks engaged in wondrous activity. Lesson learned!

For this post I’ll just have to describe what I saw today.Before I do, here are the two best shots I managed to get today. They are of Bobby while he was hunting in the trees at the western side of the park:

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Bobby and Rosie visit; like the good old days – May 1st, 2012

It was a treat to finally see Bobby and Rosie in action together like old times.

There were a few Occupy Wall Street protests going on around the city so NYPD helicopters circled Washington Square Park for hours. I did not see any protest in the park but it could have just been an issue of timing. The noise from the choppers was horrendous but the hawks continued to go about their business.

It was unnerving though to see the helicopters so close to the hawks’ favorite perches. I’m glad the hawks kept their distance.

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