Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Rosie’s hunts and lamp post perches – May 18th, 2012

Rosie had caught a pigeon and two rats during my visit to Washington Square Park Friday. She made her way around the park and at times perched on five different lamp posts from which to scan for prey. Bobby was out and about in the trees as well but he was more hidden from view and, being the older, more mature hawk, stayed put and did not zig zag around the park as Rosie did this particular day.

Rosie with a rat:

Babies watching her arrival:

Rosie on her way to Judson Memorial Church cross:

Rosie on the ground with a pigeon:

Bobby having a look at the pigeon from above:


Rosie scampering after a squirrel:

The squirrel lived to see another day.

Rosie with a new rat:

Rosie bringing the rat past then to the nest:

She went back to the cross:

Bobby stopping by the nest while the babies eat:

Rosie had left the cross. Bobby went to it himself:

Rosie joined him from her perch at one of the Bobst Library windows further east from the nest:

Bobby taking off after a few:

Rosie left the cross then dropped to the trees below to hunt again:

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