Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Both Washington Square Park fledglings palling around – July 25th, 2012

I felt great relief today when I saw both WSP fledglings after days of not seeing both of them together. They appeared to be thriving beautifully. I was shocked to see them both at the park and not absent for good, in search of their own territory.

The first fledgling was on a terrace at Two Fifth Avenue:

Landing on One Fifth Avenue:

Landing on a terrace of an apartment building at the northeastern side of the park:

Its sibling was already on the terrace, at the right in the photo below!

The fledgling that was on the right flew off its perch and soared over the park in several circles. It was a wonderful sight.

Its sibling watched it soar:

Both siblings then soared in the sky together and flew very close to each other at one point. I got really upset with myself because I missed photographing the two of them in the sky together. It was my own fault too; I had jammed my camera by nervously pushing the shutter too hard in my excitement.

Naughty kick:

One fledgling on the left, the other on the far right:

The fledgling disappeared behind the northern side of One Fifth Avenue.

The other sibling stayed put but was soon harassed by a Mockingbird:

The setting sun cast beautiful light on the Hawk:

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