Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Hawk fledglings on their own – July 9th, 2012

At long last the heat wave has broken and we had much better weather today. The two Washington Square Park fledglings were unchaperoned (from what I could tell) but were doing quite well on their own during my visit.

I spotted the first fledgling soaring in several circles northeast of the park:

Dive-bombed by a Mockingbird:

I saw its sibling on a terrace at Two Fifth Avenue, an apartment building on the central northern border of the park (just west of 5th Avenue):

It landed on a lion gargoyle on the face of One Fifth Avenue. Too bad it didn’t land on the eagle gargoyle to the left!:

Sibling further northeast:

Both fledglings are in the photo below:

Watching a Mockingbird fly north:

Flying toward the park:

The One Fifth Avenue Hawk stayed and relaxed for a while longer:

Both fledglings flew out of sight eventually. After 27 minutes of searching, I found one of the fledglings eating while seated on a Silver Center window ledge.

It was lucky spotting considering how far away I was from the building:

You can only just see its round head below the fourth top window from the left:

I could only spend ten minutes watching the fledgling at this new perch before I had to leave to enjoy my own dinner.

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