Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

One fledgling for less than one minute – July 19th, 2012

Today was a day of unlucky timing Hawking-wise. Although I spent an hour and a half in the park searching for any of the Washington Square Park Hawks, I only managed to see one of the fledglings for a few seconds. It was better than nothing of course but it was a shame my sighting was so brief.

The fledgling was sitting on the broom someone put on the roof of NYU’s Silver Center months ago:

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Pigeon leftovers and Bobby’s pigeon catch – July 16th, 2012

We’re in another heat wave so I wasn’t sure if I’d go to Washington Square Park but I brought my gear with me to work as usual in case I decided to later on and boy I’m glad I did!

The fledgling that had caught the pigeon Saturday was having leftovers on the same branch it had left it.

Foot down the hatch:

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Pigeon du jour – July 14th, 2012

I spent four and a half hours in Washington Square Park visiting the Red-tailed Hawk family on the 14th. It might have been a record for me (especially considering it was so steamy out). But what choice did I have? The Hawks were so active and fascinating so how could I tear myself away?

I believe I only saw one of the fledglings (they resemble each other so much, it’s not often easy to tell them apart).

The fledgling I saw was quite the cry baby:

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