Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Central Park birding at The Pond – August 28th, 2012

Resident Black-crowned Night Heron in a tree over the water’s edge:

Slowly moving from branch to branch:

Female Mallard:

Separating the mud from the water:

Juvenile male Mallard:

Young Starlings:

The Black-crowned Night Heron inched closer to the branch’s tip and watched for a pond Redbreasted Sunfish (a fish I’d seen the Night Heron catch before):

Oh sure, nowyou show up!:

I had been looking up at the corner of The Plaza where the southeastern Red-tailed Hawk usually perches. I was standing at the 59th Street intersection by the park waiting for the light to change. I saw nothing until there was a flurry of wings and feathers as the Hawk appeared, flying off the building and over the park. I was only able to whip off a couple of decent photos of the bird before it disappeared over the tree tops.

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