Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

One minute with high-flying Hawks – August 3rd, 2012

I was able to leave work a little early today so Iwas hoping my Hawk-watching atWashington Square Park at the earlier time would bring me better luck than I’ve been having lately.

It was oppressively hot and humid today so I was lucky to see Bobby and Rosie soaring right away, just north of the park.

I could barely make out the red tail feathers:

Both Hawks soared from west to east, one following the other.

First Hawk:

Second one:

I searched around and within the park for a long time but never saw the parents again nor either of the fledglings. It was pretty sad to look at their favorite perches and branches and to see them all empty.

You know that feeling when everyone is out of the house except you and it’s so quiet, it’s almost eerie? That’s how the park felt today; nobody else was home.

Discarded shoes on the lawn.

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