Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Hawkless Sparrow love – August 17th, 2012

I haven’t seen a single Red-tailed Hawk the last two days. Despite spending a few hours yesterday and today between Washington Square Park and Union Square Park and the blocks in between and beyond, no Hawks were to be found.

I tried searching for Hawks at different times of the day to improve my chances of a sighting but luck was not with me so this morning I spent some time with a couple of cute Sparrows.

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Three parks, no Hawks on August 14th, 2012

Yesterday was full of bad timing for me Hawking-wise. I saw no Hawks during my lunch hour walk around the southeastern corner of Central Park, nor any Hawks after work in Washington Square Park and Union Square Park (or in the sky between the parks).

What was fun was seeing two Hawks soaring above the southeastern part of the park yesterday from one of my building’s office windows the day before. It was just a shame I didn’t have the chance to assemble my camera and take some snaps before they headed further north. There is one primary Hawk that frequents that area of the park (and which I regularly photograph). It was nice to see it soaring peacefully in circles with a companion and watching them fly away together. I hadn’t seen it with a companion for some time.