Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Contact info for NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg

Taking a cue from PaleMale dot com, I am posting Mayor Bloomberg’s contact info below should you wish to address the rodenticide issue with him directly (taking it to the top, as it were).

Per PaleMale dot com, some contact email addresses and phone numbers of places that had been listed on his site for folks to contact regarding their use of rodenticide near Hawks’ domains are reportedly no longer working or accepting contact.

If there are other authorities you prefer to contact, then by all means, do. Any form of contact with anyone who may listen and invoke policy change is worthwhile. But should you wish to contact Bloomberg himself, the below should be helpful:

Mayor Bloomberg’s Online Contact form:

The Online Contact Form accepts a maximum of 300 words so a longer letter would be best mailed via hard copy. Mailing address:

Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg
City Hall
New York, NY 10007

Hawkless the last two days

I spent over an hour searching Washington Square Park and beyond on Tuesday but found no Hawks. I know they were pretty active earlier in the day but my timing was off apparently.

On Wednesday it was raining so although I did a search through the park (and found no Hawks), I couldn’t have photographed them anyway since my lens is not waterproof and I can’t risk getting condensation in my lens.