Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Bobby just before a cloudy sunset – September 20th, 2012

I had walked around Washington Square Park searching for Bobby and Rosie in all the wrong places apparently for about half an hour. Feeling a little tired, I decided to stop along the path to admire some flowers at the northeastern side of the park.

I noticed a beautiful little warbler (it looked like a Connecticut Warbler) rushing about the flower beds, singing loudly and in a chatty, almost cranky way. I was just about to take its picture when it flew to another bed at the opposite side of the path I was on. I walked over to the new bed and as I was looking for the warbler, I happened to glance up through the trees and at the construction netting atop Two Fifth Avenue (a block away). I saw Bobby sitting atop it! What a fortuitous way to discover him.

I forgot all about my lucky Warbler and went to see Bobby.

I stayed with him for forty minutes as he perched and preened.

He flew off his perch ten minutes after sunset:

It was tricky business getting a foothold so he decided to keep flying:

He disappeared over the trees as he headed toward NYU’s Silver Center. I rushed over to the general direction he had flown and searched the buildings and sky for him.

As I stood on the corner of Washington Square East and Washington Place, I saw him fly north as he crossed Washington Place (between Greene and Mercer Streets). He was flying pretty low over the shorter building tops. My guess was he was hopscotching his way to an evening roost.

I looked all around for him in the four or five block radius where he seemed to be headed but never saw him again. It was night time by the time I gave up and headed home.

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