Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Rosie’s dinner before sunset – September 14th, 2012

I searched for Washington Square Park Red-tailed Hawks Bobby and Rosie for a half hour with no luck until I saw a small crowd gathered by a low fence, watching something intently on the grass in front of them.

Hooray, it turned out to be Rosie eating pigeon dinner. I hadn’t seen the Hawks in four days so I was pretty glad and relieved to see her.

A woman walking on the lawn didn’t notice Rosie:


The pigeon seemed heavy because Rosie didn’t get much lift for a few seconds:

She brought the pigeon to a tree along a more southerly path:

In another tree nearby:

I sat on the grass and took very few photos of her as she ate at this new perch so as not to attract attention and risk having a large crowd form beneath her.


She flew above the southwestern side of the park in low circles:

I was still under the trees and it took me some time to get to where I thought she might have flown. I searched but did not find her.

I saw two raptors flying above One Fifth Avenue and at first thought it was Bobby and Rosie:

They turned out to be Peregrine Falcons:

Apologies for the poor quality of the photos. I had no time to better adjust my camera settings for the scene.

I still hadn’t found Rosie by the time it got too dark to photograph so I went home.

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