Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Bird’s Eye view of Southeastern Central Park Hawk

These photos were of the Southeastern Central Park Red-tailed Hawk from Friday, October 5th. I took the photos while visiting a coworker in a building overlooking the Southeastern corner of Central Park. We were on the 37th floor.

As I was talking with my friend, the Hawk I normally view and photograph while I’m on the ground was soaring in tight circles a couple of floors’ distance below us. It was circling right in front of us! After about the sixth or seventh circle, I took out my camera and started photographing. Luckily, my coworker knows all about my Hawk obsession so I was spared any teasing or good-natured ribbing.

Continue to the full post… “Bird’s Eye view of Southeastern Central Park Hawk”

Carte Blanche permission to use my photos in anti-poison campaigns


I’ve received several requests to use my photos of the Washington Square Park Hawks eating rats and mice for use in anti-rodenticide campaigns (flyers, emails, letters, etc.). Instead of responding to each request, I’m using this post as a way to give full permission to use any photos you wish for your campaigns.

My only request is that you credit the photos with something like: Photo of Rosie as seen on

I waited until I had more concrete information to write about this but there is a substantiated rumor going around that the City plans to put rodenticide back in Washington Square Park now that the two Hawk fledglings have left the park.

In response to the rumor, I reached out to and have had a cordial correspondence with Ralph Musolino, Park Manager for Manhattan District 1 & 2 since September 21st. Washington Square Park is one of the parks under his management. I Cc-ed Veronica M. White, new Parks Commissioner, in my emails. I introduced myself, explained that Rosie and Bobby are year-round residents of WSP, sent him my blog links of them eating the target vermin (rats and mice), and provided the link to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation’s necropsy confirming rat poison killed several of the Red-tailed Hawks found dead or sick in and around City parks earlier this year.

Mr. Musolino’s last email to me stated, “Thank you for your email regarding Washington square park and the rodent issue. We are aware of the situation and are taking the proper precautions.” I immediately responded thanking him and asked what he meant by precautions but I haven’t heard back from him or his colleague yet. That was four days ago. I called and left a message for him this morning but haven’t heard back yet. I’ll provide any update I may receive from him and anyone else I’ve contacted regarding this.

If you wish to write to local contact persons about this issue, the following contact info may be useful:

Ralph Musolino, Park Manager for Manhattan District 1 & 2, NYC:

Veronica M. White, NYC Parks Commissioner:

Glenn Phillips, Executive Director, NYC Audubon Society: