Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Day 2 of Tasmania birding tour: Hobart and Bruny Island

Day Two: Waking in Hobart and taking a drive to the town of Kettering where we took a ferry to Bruny Island for some intense birding.

I took a post-breakfast stroll on the docks across the street from our Hobart hotel.

View of Mount Wellington from the dock:

Old Henry Jones & Co. Jam buildings, now renovated into a hotel and gallery complex:

Birds seen while in Kettering below.

Pied Oystercatcher on a lawn (an unusual sight to see one on grass):

New Holland Honeyeater:


European Goldfinch:

Views from the Bruny Island Ferry:

Black-faced Cormorants:

What I believe were Silver Gulls:

Our landing at Bruny Island:

Forty Spotted Pardalote seen by Dennes Point:

Echidna on a field in the distance:

Brown Falcon:

Brown Falcon:

New Holland Honeyeater:

Spotted Pardalote singing away:

A much closer look at another Echidna:

Flame Robin:

New Holland Honeyeater in flight (not a great shot but it’s nice to see its wings):

We had lunch at the delightful Hothouse Cafe.View of the Tasman Peninsula from the cafe’s lawn:

View of Mount Wellington:

Green Rosella enjoying milkweed on the lawn by the car park:

We traveled to Adventure Bay to search for the Hooded Plover (classified as a vulnerable species):

Pacific Gulls:

A few Hooded Plovers were in sight:

New Holland Honeyeater:

We did not stay on the beach long before getting back on the road.

Tasmanian Thornbill:

Gray Fantail:


Golden Whistler:

Pink Robin (one of my favorite birds on the tour):

Lighting was not my friend so unfortunately, the bird’s vibrant coloring is not so visible in these shots.

Eastern Spinebill:

Crescent Honeyeater, a difficult bird to photograph since it wouldn’t sit still:


Purple Swamphen:

Our day on Bruny Island was over so we went back to the ferry landing to return to Kettering.

White-bellied Sea-Eagle:

Just before our ferry returned to Kettering, we saw a White-faced Cormorant:

Click here to see the post for Day 1.

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