Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Post-Hurricane Sandy and Rosie and Bobby Hawk photos – November 2nd, 2012

The power in lower Manhattan came on while I was in Washington Square Park tonight thank goodness. I’m now able to share some photos I took of the area after Hurricane Sandy passed through the city and of the Hawks I saw the last couple of days.

Shot of a fallen BP gas station sign (taken on Tuesday the 30th):

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Greetings – November 2nd, 2012

This has been my first chance to update you since Hurricane Sandy passed through the area earlier this week. I am well despite not having had power for the last few days and having to endure the annoyances of traveling long distances by foot or bus to get extra food and supplies (non-perishables, candles, batteries, etc.). But at least I have clean running water in my building thank goodness.

My local power company is predicting power in my neighborhood (Lower Manhattan) will be restored within the next day. I am writing this from work where power has not been affected.

I went to Washington Square Park the day after the storm passed to see if Rosie or Bobby were ok and to check out the devastation but it soon started to rain heavily again so I had to go home. I did see some downed branches but nothing too severe. I did not see either Hawk.

Since Wednesday, I’ve received a few Hawk-sighting reports from local Hawk-watchers. A Hawk was seen Wednesday soaring above the eastern buildings. A Hawk was seen Thursday on a flag pole overlooking the park (that Hawk’s identity was not clear). Rosie was reportedly seen in the park today.

I returned to the park yesterday (Thursday) for a while and did see one Hawk soaring above the buildings at the eastern side of the park and watched as it shot like a bullet over the park. It looked very much like the juvenile I saw a few days before the storm.I should be able to regularly resume visiting the park this evening.

I took several photos of the post-storm park and the Hawk from yesterday but won’t be able to upload them into my blog until power is restored in my neighborhood.

I hope you’ve been well throughout all this!

Yours in all the Hawks,
