Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Four days of Southeastern Central Park Hawk sightings

I’m a little behind in sharing these photos from different Central Park Red-tailed Hawk visits. So here they are in one post!

December 15th:

I couldn’t get to the park at first so I shot these photos of one of the Hawks that inhabit the Southeastern corner of the park through a colleague’s office window.

Hawk flying in front of The Plaza:

Coming around and more toward my direction:

Outside at last.

No Hawks but nice shadow of the Sherry-Netherland Hotel against the The Pierre Hotel:

One of the Hawks flew overhead with pigeon feathers in its talons:

It flew to one of its favorite trees in the park (at the Hallet Nature Sanctuary side of The Pond):

December 20th:

Landing on another favorite perch, the railing at the Sherry-Netherland tower:

GM Building behind the Sherry-Netherland:

Who I think is its companion flying lower, swooping around, then landing on a regular spot on The Plaza:

The first Hawk stayed where it was on the tower:

Neither Hawk was moving so I enjoyed a Red-bellied Woodpecker:

The first Hawk left its tower perch but thankfully landed on it again before I returned to work:

Coast Guard helicopter:

The UNICEF Snowflake above 5th and 57th:

With all the peaceful views of the Hawks, it’s sometimes easy to forget just how busy the streets below are with people and traffic:

December 21st:

One of the Hawks landed on the east-facing side of The Plaza just as I arrived at the park:

Off again, heading to the northern face of the building:

Circling back to come in for a landing:

Heading west:

Then coming back:

Some of the busyness below:

The Hawk is there, to the left of top right ornamental pillar:

The Hawk flew off the building and out of sight:

A young bride was attended to by her family….

..and Big Bird.. kind of..

Meanwhile, the Hawk was next seen on another favorite building perch a bit further down 5th Avenue:

A couple more shots from an office window (Hawk soaring in the center of the picture):

View in general:

December 26th:

Today was a more mellow Hawking day.

The Hawk landed in the same section of trees in the Hallet Nature Sanctuary as on the 15th:

The Hawk landed directly (albeit with the body of water and trees between us) in front of me:

Time Warner Center towers in the distance:

Mallards and Wood Duck swimming by in The Pond:

I hope it’s the same Wood Duck I saw earlier this month.

A Woodpecker on the tree behind me:

It went from tree to tree:

It looked like a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, 1st winter:

Blue Jays are so secretive sometimes:

But Starlings aren’t:

And Sparrows even less so:

The weather held up nicely during my break because it started to snow and rain just two hours afterward.

Shots through a window:

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