Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Warmer day Central Park birding, Hawkless WSP – January 25th, 2013

The Plaza Hawk was out and about, scanning for pigeon prey.

East-facing side of The Plaza Hotel:

Nest check-in:

There’s a thin layer of ice on most of the pond. Lots of people have tossed things on the ice, hoping to break it I suppose:

Great Blue Heron still hanging out by The Pond:

A pigeon walked on the ice:


Starling drinking water at The Pond’s edge:

The carriage horses and drivers are back:

Wood Duck still palling around with Mallards:

Red-bellied Woodpecker:

Heron as seen from The Pond’s bridge:

Back at Grand Army Plaza.

Pomona in the distance:

William Tecumseh Sherman, surrounded by modernity:

Parting shot of the Plaza nest:

Back to the ‘real world’:

After work I stopped by Washington Square Park on my way home to check in on Rosie and Bobby and see if either of them were roosting.

Neither roosted at the “Inn” but a friend saw both Hawks in the park together earlier in the day (at one point in the same tree).

Yet my visit at the start of tonight’s snow storm was Hawkless.

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