Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Solo Central Park Hawk and Bobby and Rosie at WSP – February 12th, 2013

It was too rainy for me to visit either Central Park or Washington Square Park to take photos/go Hawking yesterday. But Bobby and Rosie were both seen doing well, per a Hawk-watching friend of mine who got to spend some nice time with them earlier on Monday.

Today was much better weather-wise and I had the time so I visited both parks.

The male Southeastern Central Park Red-tailed Hawk landed on the side of The Plaza just as I stopped to scan the building’s facade. I just love timing like that.

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Bobby and Rosie just mated! February 10th, 2013

A Hawk-watcher in Washington Square Park informed me at 5:00PM that Bobby and Rosie had just mated on NYU’s Silver Center (building at the eastern side of the park). This is the first eyewitness account of them mating this year as far as I know. 🙂 Wishing them a successful brood in the spring!

My photo ofRosie (l) andBobby (r) sitting on a branch together (September 29th, 2012):