Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Plaza Male’s swooping, soaring, and nesting – March 4th, 2013

The Plaza male quickly descended to perch on the side of The Plaza Hotel/apartment building not long after I arrived at Central Park today.

He then dropped into the trees by The Pond (in front of The Plaza):

Back in front of The Plaza:

He swooped low to the ground at one point, as though chasing prey, but did not snatch anything:

He descended to his former Crown Building nest site but did not perch:

After more soaring, he entered another spot of The Plaza facade and picked up a twig that was lying there:

The twig started to fall:

But he grabbed hold of it in a flash:

After soaring in several circles, he tucked in and shot toward The Plaza again:

I sure hope he does not fortify this site for a proper nest. It doesn’t seem like a great spot but he’s worked on shabby nests before (i.e., the Crown Building nest) so time will tell.

I only visited for about forty minutes so I was not too surprised to have not seen Octavia during my time at the park.

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