Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Multiple Red-tailed Hawk visits – April 3rd, 2013

I visited a number of Red-tailed Hawks’ territories today; Plaza Male’s, Pale Male and Octavia’s, and Rosie and Bobby’s.

Plaza Male was carrying a twig as he circled in front of The Plaza Hotel. Because I was trying to be careful not to take a misstep on the staircase I was on, I lost sight of him when I looked away and at the steps for a moment.

I then saw him as he landed on the Sherry-Netherland Hotel perch. He hopped off his perch and seemed to chase another Red-tail. They both flew northward.

Plaza Male is the higher bird:

I walked north to Pale Male’s territory.

He was on one of his favorite window perches just south of his nest:

It did not take long for him to hop off his perch, head north, and dip into some trees.

His nest (I could not see Octavia from my vantage point):

I waited a few minutes for Pale Male to return but he did not so I walked back south to Grand Army Plaza and Plaza Male’s territory.

It was a beautiful, chilly day and I was in need of the sun and exercise after my cold-induced cabin fever.

Back at Grand Army Plaza:

A Turkey Vulture was flying about:

The Plaza Male was back on his Sherry-Netherland perch:

I was ready to visit Bobby and Rosie after about an hour and a half uptown so I took the subway down to Washington Square Park.

I spotted Rosie in a tree at the western side of the park as soon as I approached the park (it was a lucky break):

She flew out of the park and behind Two Fifth Avenue (an apartment building at the north side of the park).

I couldn’t find her but did see four Turkey Vultures flying toward Two Fifth (I could only get three in one shot):

Rosie returned to the nest after a few minutes. I missed seeing her fly to the nest and barely missed photographing the whitish material she had in her beak at first. It might have been new nesting material.

Another Turkey Vulture flew over the park (from southwest to northeast):

There were so many Turkey Vultures above the city today. They appear to be in the midst of their spring migration.

As the Turkey Vulture above was flying above the park square, Bobby appeared and flew in a semi-circle above the eastern side of the park:

I had to wonder if he was showing himself to the big bird, displaying his presence boldly and proclaiming the park as his.

The Turkey Vulture was completely disinterested in Bobby and continued on its flight north (flying behind One Fifth Avenue in the photo below):

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