Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Mealtime for one of two fledglings in sight – June 3rd, 2013

Rosie was sitting on her Silver Center railing perch and Bobby on a Silver Center flag pole when I arrived at Washington Square Park this morning. Rosie was looking over the park and Bobby was preening and having a good scratch.

Rosie jumped and dove down into the park but the trees blocked my view of where she wound up. I could tell she was hunting.

There were a couple of Parks Enforcement Patrol officers stationed in the park; a rarity. I was glad to see them. I talked to them for a few minutes about the fledglings. They were knowledgeable about the birds and said they were definitely available to help with crowd control should the Hawks need it.

I saw Rosie and Bobby flying together a block south of the park a few minutes later. They flew out of sight so I continued looking for the fledglings.

I didn’t find a fledgling until fifty minutes after I had arrived. It was only just visible in its small tree. I am sure I walked past it a couple of times when looking for it earlier.

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First fledgling gets a meal, all Hawks off the nest – June 2nd, 2013

The remaining two Hawk kids fledged today. The second bird fledged at 5:25AM, the third at about 6:06PM. All the fledglings are safe and sound from what I’ve heard from a fellow Hawk-watcher.

The first fledgling (F1 I’ll refer to it as for convenience’s sake) appeared to have roosted at One Fifth Avenue, the building I last saw it on yesterday afternoon. I was informed that it flew from One Fifth to a high point of NYU’s Silver Center building around 8:00AM. Dad Bobby was perched several feet below it.

F2 (the second fledgling) flew from the nest to the low buildings outside the northern border of Washington Square Park. It then dropped into a tree by its building just before 9:00AM. Rosie and Bobby sat in the same tree as the fledgling. It must have been an absolutely beautiful sight and the people who saw it all said it was amazing.

The parents went their separate ways but F2 stayed in its tree. I got to the park at 9:30AM and got to photograph it in its tree.

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Fledgling’s second day of building exploration – June 1st, 2013

I approached Washington Square Park around 10:20 this morning. I set out to find the fledgling.

As I was walking toward the park on Washington Place (where the fledgling spent most of its off-ledge time yesterday), I glimpsed what looked like wing tips tucking into a high window ledge. I heard scratching sounds at the same time.

It turned out to be the fledgling situating itself on a ledge at the corner of Washington Place and Greene Street (the fledgling had roosted at Greene Street last night).

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