Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Following one fledgling about – July 16th, 2013

I spent close to three hours in and around Washington Square Park today while following one fledgling about. Time got away from me and although I spent much of the time in the shade it was too long a time spent in the heat and humidity and I learned my lesson. So I won’t be birding until the current heat wave abates a bit in a few days.

Harassed by a Kestrel:

The fledgling flew the highest I have ever seen any of this season’s kids fly.

It soared high above the two blocks south of the park (almost as far as Bleecker Street) before making its way toward the park again.

You can’t see the fledgling in this shot but it was at the lawn to the right of the tree:

Park fountain in the distance:

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