Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

No Hawks during my outing today – August 14th, 2013

I searched Washington Square Park and surrounding blocks for an hour and a half today but saw no Hawks. I was not surprised though because I went at a time of day notorious for no sightings. It happened to be the only chance I could visit though so I took the risk.

The weather was gorgeous and despite the lack of Hawks, it was nice to walk in the cool shade and enjoy the low humidity (something we haven’t been able to enjoy for a while!).

Banded fledgling in flight – August 11th, 2013

I arrived at Washington Square Park only a minute after the banded fledgling was reported seen chasing (and missing) squirrels, zipping about the park, and then resting on Judson Memorial Church cross for a while.

I saw the fledgling just after I arrived. It was very high in the sky, circling above the block south of the park but only for several seconds (photo above).

A fellow Hawk-watcher (who had seen most of the action) and I searched for any of the Hawks for the next hour and fifty minutes but saw no sign of them before we had to go our separate ways for the day.