Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

No sign of Rosie and Bobby yesterday and today – January 8th, 2014

Yesterday was the coldest day in NYC in ten years (and the coldest January 7th since 1896)! From what I know, Rosie and Bobby were not seen yesterday (I did not visit Washington Square Park). A fellow Hawk-watcher visited the park and surrounding area but did not see them yesterday or this morning.

I looked for them for about an hour today (when it was a sultry 21 degrees) just before and after sunset but did not see them hunting or at any of their regular roosting spots. I hung around until it was quite dark but I never spotted them. I’ll probably drop by the park at some point tomorrow. It’s likely they found a good sheltering spot away from the blustery winds we have been enjoying so much.

Post-blizzard park walkabout – January 3rd, 2014

A sizable blizzard passed through the northeast overnight last night. A friend and I ventured over to Washington Square Park to check on the Red-tailed Hawks and to see the park in all its wintery snowness.

We didn’t see the Hawks during our 45 minute visit but I wasn’t too worried; I’m sure they were being smarter than we were and were cozied up at a much less windy location (it was 14 degrees Fahrenheit with a wind chill of -4 degrees when we were at the park).

A fellow Hawk-watcher did see one of the Hawks soaring above the eastern side of the park at 3:30PM (several hours after my friend and I had left the park).

Garibaldi Monument,east side of the park:

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