Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Rosie’s squirrel then copulation with Bobby – February 12th, 2014

Bobby was the first of the Washington Square Park Red-tailed Hawks I saw today.

I saw him just as he was flying through the park’s eastern trees.

He landed on an NYU building overlooking the park:

He had pigeon feathers stuck in his talons which flew up in the air when he shot off his branch:

He flew across the park and soared above the western side of the park for a bit:

I lost sight of him so I searched all around for either him or Rosie.

I found Rosie after about twenty minutes (near the top of the fir tree):

She chased some pigeons then flew across to the western side of the park herself.

She tucked in and made a direct descent toward something:

She was mantling (protectively covering her prey with her wings):

Small crowds formed to watch her from time to time:

She had captured a squirrel.

The crowd was a bit thick next to her so she grabbed her prey and dragged it further away:

She ate for thirty five minutes:

The squirrel was caught right by a pile of peanuts squirrel-feeders left out for the squirrels so I figure Rosie had captured it right when it was eating.

Rosie then joined Bobby as they soared and circled in the sky above the park square.

Rosie landed on an east side flag pole while Bobby flew first to a water tower then into the nest:


Rosie crossed then landed on NYU’s Silver Center:

Bobby flew right to her then copulated with her:

He landed further south on Silver:

He then flew back to the nest:

He flew to pigeon leftovers on a building further west:

I lost where he went so I had another look at Rosie before leaving for the day:

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