Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Mellow Hawkery in Washington Square Park – May 2nd, 2014

I had a brief lunchtime visit to WSP today to check on Bobby and Rosie Hawk. The rain storms we recently had have passed and we are lucky to be in a semi-cloudy but warm stretch of weather now.

I saw Bobby dive toward One Fifth Avenue as soon as I rounded the corner upon arriving.

He settled onto the northeast corner of the building.

He looked around in all directions at first:

The park tulips are in full bloom:

Bobby was clearly resting while guarding his brood so I took a Hawk break to see if there might be any migrating birds in the park.

I spotted this Ovenbird Warbler at the eastern side of the park:

I am pretty excited over this one because it’s my first Ovenbird. I’m still relatively new to birding so this discovery was a fun one to have today.

Bobby was still resty:

And Rosie was relaxed sitting guard over the hatchlings:

She had tucked into the nest and was scarcely visible from the ground by the time I got to a better viewing position. It was time for me to leave anyway so I left, content to see the Hawks doing well.

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