Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Camera-less Red-tailed Hawk sightings over the weekend

I didn’t go birding in Washington Square Park this weekend but I did see two Red-tailed Hawks regardless.

On Saturday I heard a Kestrel ‘yelling’ loudly in the sky over the corner of Orchard and Rivington Streets in the Lower East Side of Manhattan while I was having a stroll with a friend.

I looked up to see the Kestrel chasing an adult Hawk, flying from south to north. The Hawk was crying out loudly too. Of the Hawks in the area, my guess was that it was one of the Tompkins Square Park Hawks since we were only 9 blocks south of TSP (not a far distance at all as far as Hawk flights go and the birds were flying in the direction of TSP).

Then on Sunday a friend and I wound up in Tompkins Square Park without planning to. I spotted one of the fledglings playing on one of the eastern lawns, hopping around and grabbing at sticks and making little dives at the bushes. It then flew to the nearby fence for a few seconds. A few locals who were sitting on the bench near the fledgling’s fence looked mildly at the Hawk and continued eating their snack. You gotta love the nonchalance New Yorkers can have over the Hawks sometimes.

The fledgling then flew to the trees at the western side of the park, flew to a building lining the southern border of the park, circled in the sky about five times, then disappeared behind the trees.

I was a little disappointed I didn’t have my camera on me during the sightings but overall it was nice to have the break from being a “Hawk blogger” to someone simply enjoying the sight of such cool birds in the city.

Both Washington Square Park fledglings all relaxed – July 18th, 2014

The Washington Square Park fledglings looked very well today. I was with them for about 2 ½ hours. I may have caught them right after eating because they were quite relaxed and preened and rested the whole time.

I found the first fledgling after I had looked throughout Sasaki Garden (a block south of the park) for them in case they were hunting there as one was last Saturday.

I was on my way out of the garden when I spotted one of the fledglings on a building top one street west:

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Rat poison removed from Sasaki Garden to protect young Hawks – July 17th, 2014

I received a call back from an NYU spokesperson in regards to my concerns about rat poison where one of the fledglings caught and ate a rat on July 12th. The location is called Sasaki Garden. It’s the green space between NYU’s Washington Square Village apartment buildings.

The NYU staffer let me know that the rat poison has been abated since baby Hawks are hunting there. I thanked them and added that the adult Red-tailed Hawks happen to live and hunt in the area year-round. They said they would look into that and get back to me on any update they may make in regards to their baiting policy.

This is great news and I am glad that NYU was so responsive and took these measures to protect the Hawks!