Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Second fledgling still on the sill, other fledgling tucked out of sight – June 16th, 2015

I was only able to spend an hour at Washington Square Park to check on the Hawk family this morning. I saw three out of the four Hawks. Bobby and Sadie were looking over the fledgling that I had last seen on a window sill.

Neither I nor another Hawk-watcher who was in the park earlier than me saw the other fledgling.


Sadie was seated below him, on her regular corner:

The fledgling that I left sitting at a window sill yesterday was on the same sill today.

Looking at Sadie:

Sadie zipped past and landed on NYU’s Shimkin building:

What I didn’t know until a few minutes ago was that the other fledgling was on Shimkin but tucked out of sight! A fellow Hawk-watcher just informed me (at 6:30PM) that the fledgling was sitting on the rooftop in plain view.

That must be why Sadie flew right to Shimkin; to check on the little one.

A Cormorant traveled overhead:

The fledgling made several attempts to fly to a higher part of the window frame:

What is amazing to me is that every years’ fledglings (except for Pip) have exhibited the same behavior in almost the same exact windows. They find their way to the sides of Silver and Pless and fly back and forth between the two buildings.

In this post you see the same behavior from last year, the same from 2013, and likewise from 2012.

The fledgling quieted down and was relaxing when I left for the day.

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