Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Sunbathy, resty Washington Square Park Red-tails – August 8th, 2015

Today’s Washington Square Park visit lasted about 2 ½ hours. In that time we watched Sadie relax on one building for roughly an hour and a half and Bobby move about from perch to perch before settling onto NYU’s Education Building.


Looking awfully sleepy:

One of our group spotted Bobby flying low along the tree line and then landing on Judson Memorial Church construction scaffolding:

Bobby seemed to pick at his talons a few times so he might have just eaten.

Acrobatic balancing:

Bobby perched on the southwestern side of the church tower:

Luckily for us, he circled right over our heads a few times:

He has distinguishing molt patterns now so he should be pretty easy to identify in flight:

He flew directly to NYU’s Education Building and rested there until we left (25 minutes later):

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