Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Bobby cavorts about town then feeds Sadie – April 13th, 2016

Bobby was atop One Fifth Avenue when I and a fellow Hawk-watcher began our Hawking for the day:

He flew northeast 5 minutes after I had arrived:

He appeared to be heading toward Union Square Park:

You can see him right of center in the photo below:

We looked to see if he was on the Con Ed tower but he was not.

All the entrances to the park were closed because of Bernie Sanders’s scheduled visit for later in the day:

It was 6 1/2 hours before Sanders was meant to speak but the area was already loaded with cops setting up barriers, moving about, and setting up posts.

It all made for some tricky bird-watching since our movements around the park were restricted. But we managed OK and got to see some good Hawk action.

We were heading to the arch from where we could observe the nest when I noticed Bobby sitting in the next window over from the nest. He immediately jumped off and flew to the western trees:

He flew from tree to tree in search of nest twigs:

He broke off a large stick and held it in his beak:

He flew with it and landed on a building two doors down from the library but we didn’t see what he did with it because he then moved to some trees in front of the library:

He moved from tree to tree and branch to branch and tugged on other bits. He moved out of view. My friend and I weren’t able to see where he went thanks to the barricades.

He soon showed up again and landed on the north side of NYU’s Silver Center:

He disappeared again. We looked for him then waited by the nest to see if he’d fly in. Half an hour passed so my fellow Hawk-watcher left for the day and I resumed searching for him further from the park.

He circled overhead 10 minutes later. He was one block east of the park:

He was pretty good at disappearing on me over and over.

I didn’t see him again until 11 minutes later. He was on Silver again but facing west:

A House Finch was perched near him:

The Finches that hang out on Silver love to pall around with the Hawks! I’ve seen them perch near and flitter about the Hawks for years. They don’t dive-bomb them or antagonize them in any way.

Bobby was off after a minute:

He went to the nest 2 minutes later. Sadie got up and Bobby entered the nest bowl:

Cops started barking at me and the people around me to move down, move down the street! ‘I don’t wanna miss this shot, man!’ is what I was tempted to say in response. 🙂

Sadie started eating:

She gobbled the whole creature down then flew westward and circled above the trees:

She circled overhead for a couple of minutes then split:

I looked for her for a little while but was unsuccessful. I was on my way out of the area when I saw Bobby leave the nest:

It’s always fun when the Hawks fly overhead:

He flew back and forth near the nest. He finally rested atop the Hawks’ favorite building at the southwest corner of the park.

The edge of the library is on the left and the cross of Judson Memorial Church just beyond it:

He rested in the sunlight and I left for the day:

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