The Washington Square Park Hawk baby fledged between 7:40PM last night (when a fellow Hawk-watcher last saw it) and 8:55AM this morning (when my friend was back at the park and noted the empty nest ledge).
Both parents were seen but the baby was nowhere to be found and wasn’t making a peep so locating it by sound was impossible. The fledglings usually cry and cry the first few days they are out of the nest.
I arrived at the park a few minutes after my friend had to leave for the day. I spent an exhausting 5 hours looking for the fledgling to no avail.
My friend was back at the park a few hours after I had left for the day and noticed Sadie returning to the same low building bordering the park so hopes are that the fledgling made its way there and will become visible (or even audible) from the street within a few days.
Sadie visiting the empty nest:

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