Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Catching up with a sleepy fledgling – July 11th, 2016

It was pretty amusing the way I found the Washington Square Park Hawk fledgling today. I had been looking for him for several minutes with no luck.

I sat down on a bench and noticed the sound of acorns falling on the path behind me. I figured I’d try to take photos of whatever squirrel was causing the racket so I looked into the tree and there was the fledgling!

He was quite snoozy:

Head leaning backwards:

Because I had found the fledgling I didn’t care about the squirrel anymore. 🙂 I spent the next two hours watching the fledgling rest, stretch, and preen. There were times when it looked like he was going to dart off his perch but he never did.


One of the Hawk parents circled over the park for a minute:

The fledgling got pretty excited watching the adult fly around:

Back to preening:

Getting snoozy again:

As I was leaving I saw who I think was Sadie sitting on a regular perch a block south of the park:

I had to wonder if the worker below her had any idea the Hawk was there:

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