Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Washington Square Love Hawks – January 4th, 2017

Today was a very Hawky day. I saw four Hawks in total: One juvenile Red-tail, our Washington Square Hawks, and one of the Tompkins Square Park Hawks.

I first spotted the juvenile as it was flying over the NoHo area of Manhattan (several blocks east of Washington Square Park).

I caught up with it when it was sitting on a water tower:

It escaped me after 3 minutes:

I couldn’t find it again so I went straight to Washington Square Park where I found Bobby atop One Fifth Avenue:

Sadie landed on her favorite southwestern building almost 25 minutes later:

Bobby descended to one of NYU’s Silver Center flag poles not long after Sadie arrived:

The Hawks then spent the next 10 minutes following each other around the park and fending off a Peregrine Falcon together:

A lone Raven passed overhead at one point, calling out as it flew:

The Hawks did their own calling out a couple of times as they flew about.Bobby:

The two love Hawks followed each other to a regular NYU law school dorm rooftop (a block south of the park):

They wound up following each other to the southwestern building perch:

Bobby on the left:

It was Sadie who followed Bobby to the building. She looked at him, gave out a little call, then walked closer to him and settled down for a sun bath with him. I waited for 50 minutes to see if I’d catch one or both of them leave their perch for new adventures.

I gave up and turned, walked a few steps, looked back, and saw that one of them flew off the building just as my back was turned!

It was Sadie, circling the northwest corner building top, the naughty lass:

At least I got a shot of Bobby leaving the perch to follow her north and outside of the park:

I left them to run an errand in Tompkins Square Park Hawk territory. I saw one of the pair sitting on one of its favorite building perches but I was too burdened with items to reassemble my camera again.

I actually see at least one of the TSP Hawks every week but like to ‘experience’ them rather than photograph them if that makes any sense. 🙂

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