Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Hawk flash and arborists – August 8th, 2017

Arborists were busy pruning dead foliage from the northwestern section of Washington Square Park when I arrived today:

As if you had to guess, yes there were no Hawks around considering the noise from the chainsaw, chipper, and number of guys in the trees. 🙂

I searched in and around the park for about an hour when all of a sudden I saw Sadie Lady circling the block south of the park:

She disappeared when flying high over the library:

I searched for her but never found her. I saw her for about a minute total.

Everything else seemed to be in order so I left the park but not without first taking a few more snaps of the arborists:

I admit I was a little jealous of their being so high up in the trees:

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