Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Multiple squirrel deliveries to the nest – May 23rd, 2018

I was watching the live NYU Hawk cam this morning and saw Sadie bring what looked like a freshly-captured squirrel to the nest. She fed some of it to the babies.

I visited Washington Square Park a couple of hours later and saw her bring the same squirrel to and from the nest multiple times during my visit.

She was first on the Silver Center building when I arrived:

She jumped off her perch 10 minutes later, retrieved the squirrel, then brought it to the nest within a minute:

An added treat to my park visits now is that I can see the babies:

It looked like Sadie was feeding more of the squirrel to the kids.

Bobby circled overhead then landed on one of the Silver Center flag poles:

Sadie took the squirrel out of the nest an hour later:

She flew right above the low buildings along the eastern side of the park. I think she landed on one of them but I couldn’t see exactly where. NYU staffers have told me in the past that one of the building tops there was chock full of stashed kills.

Pollen fell for a minute, looking like light snow fall:

One of the Hawks brought the squirrel to the nest 9 minutes later:

The other Hawk flew in a couple of minutes afterward.

Bobby then flew out:

It was time for me to go. I left with Bobby back on the Silver Center flag pole:

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