Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Hawk parents’ togetherness, babies hop-flapping – June 8th, 2018

My visit to Washington Square Park started off quietly enough with two of the Hawk babies standing up and preening and relaxing in the nest. Sadie and Bobby were sitting on perches in view of the nest (Sadie on a flag pole and Bobby on One Fifth Avenue).

One of the babies laid down near the window. The other got some quality hop-flapping in:

The babies are still in their hop-flapping stage. They will soon graduate to mini flights across the ledge!

Bobby and Sadie disappeared from their perches after 20 minutes.

Contortionate preen:

40 minutes passed when all of a sudden Bobby delivered what looked like a rat.

Bobby left the nest then flew northeast over the trees:

Baby watching his departure:

Sadie landed on the nest ledge not long after and watched over the kids tearing into the food:

Baby watching her flight:

Sadie flew the same path Bobby had so I walked over to see if I might find them. They were sitting together on NYU’s Silver Center (building along the east border of the park):

Sadie on the left, Bobby on the right:

It looked like Bobby was looking into the nest:

Bobby flew west after 7 minutes:

Sadie flew off almost 15 minutes later:

She came back and circled above the building before landing on the rooftop fence:

She flew north then came back a minute later toting fresh greenery for the nest:

Leaving the nest again:

Baby at the lower left watching mom leave:

She landed on the Silver Center roof:

She flew west after a minute. I was pleasantly surprised to see both Hawks sitting together again; this time on the southwest corner of One Fifth:

Bobby on the left:

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2 thoughts on “Hawk parents’ togetherness, babies hop-flapping – June 8th, 2018

  1. Roger,
    Awesome pictures!
    The first picture w/ Bobbie and Sadie sitting together on the corner of the building is fantastically clear.
    I can see the texture on the brick siding, the decorative brass “moulding” and brush strokes in the teal green deco … I wish I could hear the conversation/communication between Bobbie and Sadie…they certainly work as a team in raising their young
    Beautiful pictures and could be framed.
    I am so appreciative of your efforts and skills , Roger
    Thank you!

    1. Thank you! I don’t know if you ever read this in older posts but the Hawks actually chirp (and loudly enough to hear them when they are flying right overhead/past you). It’s mostly when they have food in their talons. It’s like a quiet ‘come and get it’ call. When the cam is zoomed in you can see the adults chirping at the kids!

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