Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Working near a Hawk perch – August 15th, 2018

I spent about two hours searching for the Washington Square Park Red-tailed Hawks today with no luck.

Some of the park flowers are starting to die back but are providing seeds for the sparrows to snack on:

Sparrows sitting in Washington Square Park flowers
Sparrows eating flower seeds in Washington Square Park

One Fifth Avenue, a northern apartment building the Hawks like to perch on, has been undergoing renovations for the last few months. Today I saw a scaffold being hoisted right near the Hawks’ seats:

Renovation workers on rig outside One Fifth Avenue NYC

Renovation worker in rig outside One Fifth Avenue

Renovation workers on external rig outside One Fifth Avenue

One of the workers was ever so close to one of the perches:

Worker renovating One Fifth Avenue NYC near a Hawk perch

I made a composite of this worker and an older picture of Bobby sitting on this perch a few months ago:

Renovation worker superimposed by Bobby on One Fifth Avenue perch

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6 thoughts on “Working near a Hawk perch – August 15th, 2018

  1. Roger_Paw, did the baby hawks fledge? I read your website every day and feel as though I missed something. I miss the adventures of the little hawks!! I’ve so enjoyed your photographs of them and their parents this summer. Thank you for all you do for the hawks. Carlene in nyc

    1. Hi, Carlene. It looks like all the fledglings are gone from the park now. I’ve spotted one of the fledglings in and around the park earlier this month but the last time I saw a fledgling was August 5th. This is around when the babies leave their birthplace and explore new areas.

  2. Thank you! I guessed they must have left by now but somehow I missed the announcement. What I wouldn’t give to know where they are, and how they are. Often I’ve wondered how far do they go? Do they fly to Georgia or Virginia or Delaware? Or do they stay closer to New York. Wouldn’t it be thrilling to know where they are, and that all three of them are safe. Thanks so much for guiding all of us through it. It’s been the greatest adventure. Best, Carlene

    1. It wouldn’t be outlandish to think past Washington Square fledglings traveled as far as Virginia! I always wonder where they’ve gone to. 🙂

  3. We definitely have them in eastern Virginia! I’ve never spoken with them….maybe they have New York accents! 😀

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