Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Cooper’s Hawk flyby, Bobby & Sadie on the Con Edison tower – November 23rd, 2018

I saw several Hawks during my outing today. There was a Cooper’s Hawk, who I assume were Bobby and Sadie, and a third Red-tailed Hawk. It was a pretty sizeable amount of raptors considering I was only Hawking for an hour.

I first saw a Hawk on the Con Edison tower (located several blocks northeast of the park):

Washington Square Park Hawk Bobby on Con Edison tower

It is Bobby who I tend to see perched there the most often. All of his mates have joined him on the tower (including his current mate Sadie).

Washington Square Park Hawk Bobby on Con Edison tower

I thought I’d stay put in Washington Square Park and see if Bobby might come to the park like he did the last time I visited. It was either wait or hike over to the tower and risk missing him fly off his perch once I stepped away from my vantage point.

A Cooper’s Hawk zipped past the top of One Fifth Avenue (the Hawks’ regular hangout just north outside the park):

Cooper's Hawk flies past One Fifth

Cooper's Hawk flying

Cooper's Hawk descending to trees

I lost sight of it as it flew behind a lower building.

I changed my mind and started heading to the Con Edison tower to get a closer look at whoever was perched up there.

I was a few blocks away when a Hawk dove down from the direction of the tower and disappeared flying west:

Red-tailed Hawk Bobby flying over buildings

I then saw another Hawk join it. And then a third Hawk appeared (not pictured)! Was it Bobby and Sadie chasing away a visiting Red-tail? Or chasing the Cooper’s Hawk from earlier? It was a shame I could not see all the action because of the pesky apartment buildings in the way.

Two Red-tailed Hawks flying together

All the Hawks were gone in seconds. They looked like they were heading to Washington Square so I turned around and returned to the park.

I aimed at the Con Edison building once I was back and saw that two Hawks were seated there:

Washington Square Park Hawks Bobby and Sadie on Con Edison tower

Washington Square Park Hawks Bobby and Sadie on Con Edison tower

They seemed to be doing well and resting after all that excitement so I left.

This is how the renovation scaffolding supports around the nest looked today:

Scaffold supports above NYU Bobst Hawk nest

It’s been this way for the last few weeks (with no scaffold attached to the supports). This window faces north. There has been work being done on the west and south-facing facade lately. I will let you know if and when I see new renovation activity happening near the nest.

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2 thoughts on “Cooper’s Hawk flyby, Bobby & Sadie on the Con Edison tower – November 23rd, 2018

  1. Darn those pesky apartment buildings getting in the way!!! 🙂
    I am so glad you are on the trail despite them – makes my day!!
    Your fan,
    Sue Hochberg

    1. I know! I might have to lobby to change the zoning laws so that all current buildings in the Hawks’ territory be lowered to a maximum of two stories. 😉

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