Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Nest switch and active park critters – April 3rd, 2019

Half an hour was all I needed to catch some great Hawk action in Washington Square Park today.

It was a little chilly and blustery but the park creatures appeared to be having a good day. The park was full of people enjoying the spring weather as well.

Leaves and flowers are starting to bud on many trees and lawns, making the park look festive with all their colors:

Washington Square Park flowers on a lawn

Ecosystems may be a little hard to notice across the city but not so in this park!

Relaxed pigeons milled around where a park regular feeds and shows them off to tourists. He has trained the pigeons to sit on peoples’ arms if they stand in that area.

The black and white pigeon I’ve nicknamed “Dover” was with the group:

Washington Square Park pigeons milling in the square

Having a good scratch:

Squirrel scratching while sitting on tree

All of a sudden a flock of pigeons zoomed past me in a panic. I looked around to see if they were perhaps fleeing a Hawk. Sure enough Bobby soon appeared and hovered over the park trees:

Bobby Hawk flying over Washington Square Park

He circled over the trees and followed a different flock of pigeons near the park arch.

Flying low over the trees, the One Fifth Avenue building in the background:

Bobby Hawk flying in the distant trees

He tucked into a dive then landed in the nest:

Bobby Hawk landing in the nest

Sadie got up and flew out for a break:

Sadie Hawk flying out of the nest

Sadie flying out of the nest

She flew straight over the park and descended just northward:

Sadie Hawk flying over Washington Square Park

Sadie Hawk diving over Washington Square Park

Sadie Hawk diving toward trees

I couldn’t find her but that was OK. I had to go anyway and was glad to catch such sweet action during my visit.

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4 thoughts on “Nest switch and active park critters – April 3rd, 2019

    1. He is quite the character! I was talking to him one day and one of the pigeons at our feet flew up and landed on my arm. I wasn’t expecting it but as soon as it happened I realized, ‘Oh, right! Of course. I’m in the pigeon zone!’

  1. Wow! Your photos are so beautiful and precise. I love the beauty of the Hawks in flight and the colors and tones in their feathers. Just lovely! And that little squirrel is very brave to take the time to “preen”when he is so close to raptors above him/ her. I love pigeons and take every oportunity to feed them some grain or seeds. I am the crazy lady who always has bird food on me somewhere…just a baggie full, but I love birds. Thank you for sharing so much beauty …it is appreciated!

    1. Thank you, Elizabeth! I had no idea how much character pigeons have until I started following these Hawks. They and the squirrels are a lot of fun to watch.

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