Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Sneaky nest switch – April 12th, 2019

More trees and flowers are blooming in Washington Square Park.

This beautiful tree looked to be in full bloom:

white flowering tree Washington Square Park

A White-throated sparrow was digging and eating under a bush near me:

White-throated Sparrow on Washington Square Park lawn

There was no Hawk action happening for the longest time. I was standing below the Hawk nest when all of a sudden a sparrow near me shrieked a warning cry, pigeons scattered, then the birds went quiet for a few seconds. I looked all around above me but was not seeing a Hawk anywhere.

I glanced straight up and Sadie was sitting right on the edge of the nest ledge. She had snuck onto the ledge without my seeing.

Sadie Hawk sitting on nest ledge

Looking out over the park before moving into the nest to relieve Bobby of egg-warming duties:

Sadie Hawk sitting on nest ledge

Bobby flying west along the building:

Bobby Hawk flying out of nest

He flew west of the park. You can see him as the tiny speck in the middle of the photo below:

Bobby Hawk flying above distant buildings

I waited a bit but he didn’t return to the park so I left for the day.

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6 thoughts on “Sneaky nest switch – April 12th, 2019

  1. What a magnificent pic pf Bobby flying west of the park…The red brick of the building enhances Bobby’s
    beautiful red markings …or maybe Bobby’s colors bring the brink coloring to the foreground ..
    Whatever, isn’t Bobby just so very beautiful in the world of the park.
    Thanks, Roger_Paw…what a fantastic presentation of our Bobby.

  2. Excellent photo of Bobby in flight…isn’t nature awesome giving raptor’s such strength, beauty and majesty? You have amazing patience waiting for these one-of-a-kind shots, and I am very thankful for it. I always know this site will give me the thrill of seeing a raptor at work surviving in an unusual environment. Thank you!

  3. Thanks once more for your unique vantage point and great shots. We’ve discovered a redtail nest on a newly reconstructed student center at Harvard. This couple chose a shiny new site with magnificent views! It’s too late to place a nest-cam this season since they are brooding but I hope NYU will serve as a model going forward. Best wishes.

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