Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Hawk search, new views of old perches – June 20th, 2019

I searched for Sadie and the banded fledgling today where I last spotted them yesterday; by the old St. Vincent’s Hospital location at 7th Avenue. They were not there so I expanded my search a little bit.

Here is a view of the Jefferson Market Library spire on the left and a distant view of the One Fifth Avenue apartment building from 7th Avenue:

Distant view of Jefferson Library and One Fifth

A Red-tailed Hawk was on top of One Fifth:

Red-tailed Hawk Juno on distant One Fifth Avenue building

It was brutally humid and warm during my outing. You might be able to see the haze in the above photo.

I moved closer to Washington Square Park and saw that it was Juno sitting on One Fifth. A Mockingbird was annoyed with him and dive-bombed him several times:

Mockingbird sitting near Juno the Red-tailed Hawk

A dive-bomb during a cheek scratch:

Mockingbird attacking Juno the Red-tailed Hawk

I searched some more for Sadie and the fledgling but it got really dark so I skedaddled before it rained.

Juno still on One Fifth, against a darkening sky:

Distant view Juno on One Fifth Avenue

It poured rain not long after I was back indoors so that was lucky for me.

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2 thoughts on “Hawk search, new views of old perches – June 20th, 2019

  1. Fabulous photography… ever so important during our searching and researching of this family of the Red Tail Hawk nest on the library at Bobst Library on the NYU campus. This is research. So important to human life and wildlife.

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