Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Hawk sighting! Both Hawks on Con Edison tower – September 5th, 2019

Finally! Both Hawks! It had been a month since I last saw both Hawks. I saw them both perched on the Con Edison tower outside Union Square Park today.

I’ve gone out Hawking several times over the last month but saw no sign of them anywhere. A fellow Hawk-watcher saw two Hawks circle over the southern edge of Washington Square Park on August 30th but could not definitively tell if they were Sadie and Juno. But apart from that report, no sightings.

My sighting today was spoiled though because my telephoto lens is still not working properly. I’ve had it ‘fixed’ for two different issues over the last couple of months and now it’s not focusing correctly. I have to bring it to the repair shop again so fingers crossed it gets sorted out and quickly!

The picture below is awful and was the best I could present after much tweaking. Who I believe was Juno was perched on the base of the tower below her but those pictures were completely unusable.

Sadie atop the tower:

Sadie Red-tailed Hawk sitting on Con Edison tower

I am hoping the Hawks return ‘home’ to Washington Square Park because Union Square is a high crime area and they use rat poison in the park. I have not seen Sadie or Juno hunt rats in that park but they would be in danger if they did. There is no rat poison in Washington Square Park because of the Hawks.

I watched Sadie perch on top of the tower for around 45 minutes. The other Hawk dove over the park and out of sight (heading west) 15 minutes after I first spotted them.

Despite my lens issues, it was tremendous seeing them again. I had begun to worry that Juno had absconded with her to a far away territory.

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8 thoughts on “Hawk sighting! Both Hawks on Con Edison tower – September 5th, 2019

  1. Thanks for the update. I hope you get ur lens fixed. I hate having to get an item ‘fixed’ over and over. Good luck with that!

  2. Glad to hear from you! The ospreys have been departing for southern climes, and the Philadelphia hawks are very much out of sight, although they are ok. I missed your posts and feared the worst! Anyway, better weather will bring better news, I hope! Good luck with the lens. Rena

    1. Hi, this was the longest stretch I went without seeing Hawks during late summer so it was starting to get to be a bummer. Thanks for the other birds’ updates!

  3. What was it one of the characters on Saturday Night Live would say…”if it is not one thing is another” hope your lens issues are straightened out soon.
    Thank you for the visual updates of our Sadie and her consort…Just reading the news of your sighting is joyful news…pictures are an extra treat.

    I am not up to date w/ the weather, but hope Dorian does not bring too much rain and wind to WSP and please hunker down safely.
    Finally , September has arrived and Fall will soon be in the air,…at last.

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