Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Hawk sightings and “Dover” on deck – December 5th, 2019

A devoted Hawk-watching friend of mine has seen Juno and Sadie on and off the last several days but I have not been so lucky.

The most bird action I had today was seeing the Washington Square Park pigeon I’ve nicknamed “Dover” (so named because he reminds me of the white cliffs of Dover). It’s been a while since I last made a post and I figure there’s no harm in publishing non-Hawk posts from time to time. 🙂

Dover was first perched on one of the park square lamps (a usual hangout of his):

I looked through past posts and he can be seen on lamp globes on February 6th, 10th, 28th, and March 3rd of this year to name a few. It is fun to learn all the birds’ habits (not just the Hawks’). The first post mentioning Dover was from August 5th, 2018.

As is his habit, Dover flew off the lamp then joined other pigeons being fed near the west side of the park:

The old Judson Church tower cross has been replaced and has been fitted with a brand new copper base:

The new cross was erected in October but still had construction scaffolding all around it. The old cross had been removed on December 21st, 2017 in advance of some tower renovation.

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12 thoughts on “Hawk sightings and “Dover” on deck – December 5th, 2019

  1. I enjoy the pictures of Dover. He’s a very pretty bird. You’re right, the pictures don’t always have to be about hawks. Just keep posting and I’ll keep looking! 🙂

  2. Dear Dover…only here on this Roger_Paw site ,do I enjoy the “Moo Cow” pigeon.
    Thanks for all your postings, Roger_Paw…the things you do for love!

  3. I agree, anything you photograph is better than no photos! I guess we’ll never know what happened to Bobby, or did I miss the post where it was discussed? I can’t help thinking of Juno as a ‘fly by night’, no pun intended. He was putting the moves on Sadie as soon as their paths crossed.

    1. Yes, unfortunately we have no idea whatever happened to Bobby. If he died (the likely scenario) we’ll probably never know because his body was never found.

  4. You’re an amazing photographer! I no longer reside in NYC, and thoroughly enjoy the photos of pigeons! Dover is a spectacular beauty. I really miss seeing pigeons every day. Thank you!

  5. As an ex-pat New Yorker, I too love your site as a way of staying in the loop of important happenings in WSP! Best wishes for Happy Holidays, Mimi

  6. Wow….Your shot of Dover looking up from below him is spectacular! What a photographer you are! I almost forgot about our beloved hawks, for just a split second, that is.

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