Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Two of Pale Male’s three fledglings are ill

I’ve been given permission from my source to post this information.

Two of Pale Male’s fledglings are ill. Devoted Pale Male Hawk-watcher Lincoln called local wildlife rehabbers to alert them to the fledglings’ illness.

Cathy Horvath from Wildlife in Need of Rescue and Rehabilitation (WINORR) came to the park and took one of the fledglings away for care on Sunday.

It was not possible to take the second fledgling as it was out of reach in a tree so Hawk-watchers on the ground stayed near the other fledgling to keep an eye on it. Apparently the fledgling remaining in the tree had been sitting in it since Saturday morning, eyes partially-closed. Not a good sign at all.

The third fledgling, who appears to be in good health, was in the same tree as its sibling for a large part of the day Sunday. It made several trips over the last couple of days to the tree to be near its sibling (the two siblings have been known to hang out together often).

Hopeful thoughts and well-wishes go out to Pale Male and Zena’s kids. I’ll update you with more info as I hear it but you should check in on for the latest as Lincoln covers Pale Male and his brood.

Violet has been rescued! December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas Eve to you. Violet has been successfully captured and rescued and is in the good hands of wildlife rehabilitation experts Bobby and Cathy Horvathand is on her way to receiving medical attention. They set up and founded the non-profit rehabilitation group WINORR: Wildlife in Need of Rescue and Rehabilitation. You can learn more about them here: WINORR

The Horvaths came to the park around 2:00PM. Bobby and Violet were together on a terrace railing when I arrived to the park a few minutes beforehand.

Violet is on the left:

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