Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Violet and Bobby, Sunday June 26, 2011

Pip didn’t appear much on Sunday but Bobby and Violet were in plain view most of the day. We got to see them engage of lots of soaring and sitting. Most of the soaring was done by Bobby when he was luring dive-bombing kestrels away from Pip. They weren’t a threat to Pip; but they were too close for comfort I suppose and so Bobby led them far away from her whereabouts. They were dive-bombing him and yelling at him for minutes at a time either because he and Violet were near their own nest or were within their personally-set territory. Since following the hawk family, I’ve seen so many other birds vocally and physically protecting their own little pipsters. Despite Bobby’s and Violet’s massive bodies and power in relation to them, the other little birds did not hesitate to bully B and V. Such is the power of a parent’s love.

Violet with an errant feather poking from her head:

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Pip right after eating a pigeon – June 25th, 2011

Pip, the red-tailed hawk, had been fed a freshly-killed pigeon by her dad Bobby a couple of minutes before I filmed this footage. Here she is relaxing and heading off to a new location.

It’s fair to say Pip is doing well in her new environment. She is exploring her surroundings, interacting with her parents often, eating well and regularly, and practicing her flying and hopping about.Footage taken Saturday, June 25th, 2011. You can hear the typical sounds of the park on a Saturday afternoon as well as the other birders in this clip.